It's already March of another year on the planet of confusion and as I see I have not been here to post since a dog's age. What has transpired is a drastic relocation back to the land from whence I had come back in 2007. Everything boxed, loaded onto a moving truck and trucked out across the continent, back to the land of big trees, endless forests, immense mountain gods, rivers, and dramatic skies.
Here we are in a darling of a rental house one block from the freeway with easy access to every corner of this city. It's taken some time just to get the basics organized and then it was time to pull the wheels out of the bag and mount them up and make a space for sound to happen. Luckily we have a great basement with high ceilings so there will be no need to accommodate a separate studio which is good because I wouldn't be able to afford it anyhow.
So I have begun work at the bike shop, wrenching for dollars. But I have not made my presence known to too many people here and have yet to attempt a public sounding of the Offset Needledom. That will come in time. Meanwhile Eli and I have attended a couple of shows around town, friends bands, punk rockous and folkie such sounds. THis week we'll check out a Daniel Menche show not far from our corner of the planet. Friday I will venture out on a blind date, prompted by a mutual friend, Upstate NY sound artist Al Margolis. So contacts are being made and the apparatus is under construction but at least ground has been broken on this new site.
Last East Coast Engagement: New Year's at 119 Gallery
This will be the final performance just a week before Eli and I drive West. I'll perform with Grau Garten, one last time until next winter. This will be an all out blast out with Id M Theft ABle, Crank Sturgeon, the return of Birdorgan, as well as others. Gallery is at 119 Chelmsford, Lowell, MA. THe show will get started around 6 I think. For more information go to the 119 Gallery website:
Video of Crank Sturgeon at 119 Gallery New Year's Eve 2008:
Video of Crank Sturgeon at 119 Gallery New Year's Eve 2008:
119 Gallery,
Crank Sturgeon,
Grau Garten,
New Year's Eve
Sun Worship XI at BUOY Gallery; 12/17/2011
Last night concluded the quarterly series I've curated for the past three years. For three years every three months I have accumulated some of the most inspiring performers I've had the honor to know and call friends in New England. For this final installment I brought together some really special people. The night started off with Id M Theftable. Just two days off the plane from a tour of England, tired, disoriented, jet-lagged, he was fantastic. Voices came from him that seemed impossible from such a body as his.
Second was the trio Los Condenados. A firey fury of electronic sounds melded with the vocalizings of Andrea Pensado and the horn playing of Jules Vasylenko. Walter Wright provided controlled electronic chaos via his various circuit boards of noise. Third round was Eric Dahlman and Eric Nugent of the Auddity trio, performing as Eric and Eric or Audd. Next up we had bunq present a film strip about little boy who wanted to be an artist. Then Crank Sturgeon. Next I performed with Dei and Marc Bisson, an homage to my first show in Manchester, at the old M.A.P. gallery. With only three people in the audience we decided to just perform together as one set. That started a lot of things for me in the New England free improvisation community. Greg Kowalski projected on the wall behind us and all that was missing was Steve Norton, our horn player/percussion guru who couldn't make it as he was performing in Somerville at the time. After our set came Skinny Vinny. They are always a crowd pleaser and are able to cross boundries and offer something people can relate to. And unlike many of these performers whom the uninitiated may not be able to discern whether or not they are educated in their line of performance, or whether they are novices or seasoned veterans, Skinny Vinny is easily identifiable as two performers who know their chops. Another demonstration by bunq defining the Winter Solstice and describing some of the traditions around it, as well as sacrificing a stuffed dog and distributing beef jerkey from amongst the synthetic fill. The evening concluded with 2/3 of Mystic Out Bop, Kit and Frank Turek. It was one of the best Sun Worship events I could recall, the Winter Solstice always being my favorite and seeming to involve some excellent performances. I look forward to visiting in the future and setting up the occasional Sun Worship show. And who knows, somebody might carry on the tradition once I'm gone. But I don't think it will be quite the same. Thanks to all who have come to perform or witness this special event. It's really meant more to me than I can put into words. The series has been a way I was able to participate both in the free improvisation community and the local community in Kittery, melding the two, trying to present art to this area that has been inspiring me. And now it is time for another chapter.

Time Slipping, Final Performances in New England
Time speeds up when the dance card is filled. I made the announcement to fellow Grau Garten members after a performance at 119 Gallery, Lowell back in August. It didn't go over so well. We'd all been finding our voice collectively, feeling where we fit in with each other. Now I change the plans.
Now in December, time is running out and I've been performing as much as possible before we depart.
Last night was a long evening at the Flandrew Flopera on Congress Street Boston. 10 sets, projections, etc. I performed solo sound second to last. Friend and projectionist Greg Kowalski accompanied me. Other sets of note were Marc Bisson in a quartet with Joshua Jefferson, Morgan the violinist, and a trumpeter I hadn't seen before, topless Dei wrapped in christmas lights with Crank Sturgeon self inflicting sneezing fits with black pepper liberally consumed. Oroboros with Dave Seidel electronics and Bill Bacon drums and flutes, Greg Kowalski doing an incredible mapping projection on the window spines in the loft. Walter Wright, Lou, and Joe Bourgio squalking, squeeking, shuttering, buzzing, moving.
The weekend prior was at the Wombat Zone in Somerville, former home to the Combat Zone punk house. The show was on the tail of a Russian party that hadn't yet concluded which meant a night of coming and going and incredibly over packed impossible enviornment. Set up was stressful and I was convinced I would leave something behind at the end of the night. But all that stress made for a great set, all of us packed into the kitchen, my speaker and Greg's projector perched on top of the refrigerator. Our set was concise, the three of us sounding off of eachother. I taped Marc's guitar to my mic'd wheel 3/4 of the way through until he was helpless in my packing tape web! Not a bad final show for the next 12 months. I have promised to return and visit and set up shows while back East in the future.
That was a long night. I dropped Greg off at home in Newburyport after 3am. Then I had another half an hour drive to get home to Kittery Point. The cold I had the previous day was raging the following morning.
Prior to that evening was our November 20th show at the Whitehaus. Eli and I had just come off a grueling bike swap trip in Dundee, MA. We drove from Dundee to Jamaica Plain where we delivered some bikes and components off at Bikes Not Bombs. From there we found the Whitehaus with help from Steve Norton. Eli and I were hours early and killed the extra time wandering the meandering streets of JP. Eventually we returned to find Steve, Greg, Marc and Dave Bacon in the living room setting up. Another great set, again consolidated into a confined space. 2/3 of the way though the set Marc Bisson was on the floor infront of my table when I became unamplified. For the remainder of the set the packing tape was flying every which way with some percussion elements.
It's an emotional time approaching our departure date, spending last evenings with friends in a performance scene unique and so rich compared to other similar scenes around the country. Something really special is happening in Northern New England and I have been so lucky to be a part of it. As I've told everybody, we will be back and Grau Garten will continue. But few and far between will be these moments. Out there in the West is another chapter in my life that has yet to begin. I know it will be rich and it will change me in some ways I am not yet aware of. I know to simply trust in the future and my will to continue growing and evolving as an artist and human.
Now in December, time is running out and I've been performing as much as possible before we depart.
Last night was a long evening at the Flandrew Flopera on Congress Street Boston. 10 sets, projections, etc. I performed solo sound second to last. Friend and projectionist Greg Kowalski accompanied me. Other sets of note were Marc Bisson in a quartet with Joshua Jefferson, Morgan the violinist, and a trumpeter I hadn't seen before, topless Dei wrapped in christmas lights with Crank Sturgeon self inflicting sneezing fits with black pepper liberally consumed. Oroboros with Dave Seidel electronics and Bill Bacon drums and flutes, Greg Kowalski doing an incredible mapping projection on the window spines in the loft. Walter Wright, Lou, and Joe Bourgio squalking, squeeking, shuttering, buzzing, moving.
The weekend prior was at the Wombat Zone in Somerville, former home to the Combat Zone punk house. The show was on the tail of a Russian party that hadn't yet concluded which meant a night of coming and going and incredibly over packed impossible enviornment. Set up was stressful and I was convinced I would leave something behind at the end of the night. But all that stress made for a great set, all of us packed into the kitchen, my speaker and Greg's projector perched on top of the refrigerator. Our set was concise, the three of us sounding off of eachother. I taped Marc's guitar to my mic'd wheel 3/4 of the way through until he was helpless in my packing tape web! Not a bad final show for the next 12 months. I have promised to return and visit and set up shows while back East in the future.
That was a long night. I dropped Greg off at home in Newburyport after 3am. Then I had another half an hour drive to get home to Kittery Point. The cold I had the previous day was raging the following morning.
Prior to that evening was our November 20th show at the Whitehaus. Eli and I had just come off a grueling bike swap trip in Dundee, MA. We drove from Dundee to Jamaica Plain where we delivered some bikes and components off at Bikes Not Bombs. From there we found the Whitehaus with help from Steve Norton. Eli and I were hours early and killed the extra time wandering the meandering streets of JP. Eventually we returned to find Steve, Greg, Marc and Dave Bacon in the living room setting up. Another great set, again consolidated into a confined space. 2/3 of the way though the set Marc Bisson was on the floor infront of my table when I became unamplified. For the remainder of the set the packing tape was flying every which way with some percussion elements.
It's an emotional time approaching our departure date, spending last evenings with friends in a performance scene unique and so rich compared to other similar scenes around the country. Something really special is happening in Northern New England and I have been so lucky to be a part of it. As I've told everybody, we will be back and Grau Garten will continue. But few and far between will be these moments. Out there in the West is another chapter in my life that has yet to begin. I know it will be rich and it will change me in some ways I am not yet aware of. I know to simply trust in the future and my will to continue growing and evolving as an artist and human.
Could it be? SUN WORSHIP 10 Comes To BUOY Gallery
Coming up soon is the 10th installation of the quarterly series known as Sun Worship. The series has been dedicated to bringing the work of performance artists involved in free improvisation to the Seacoast area for two and a half years now.
Sun Worship Series:::
BUOY Gallery:::
For this particular Sun Worship event I have imposed a restriction on the performers to present work without the aid of electricity. This is not only a way to celebrate those artists who already have been able to present works unaided by electric current, but also challenge those of us that have thus far relied on it.
Two such artists are pioneers of the experimental music field from New York, Tom Hamilton and Al Margolis. Long time friends Tom and Al have performed all over the world together. This will be a very special one of a kind installation by these two who have been developing their set specially for this acoustic version of Sun Worship.
Tom Hamilton:::
Al Margolis:::
Horn blower, percussion percussor and visual artist Steve Norton will be bringing his group Kilter to BUOY. Steve has been playing free improvised music and other means of audio expression for decades. He is an expert in knowing when, what, and just how much.
A Boston group that celebrates their non electric eccentric with every performance is Skinny Vinny. I'm going to take a guess that this will be a 4th participation for The Skin Vins at Sun Worship. Their sound has momentum!
Skinny Vinny:::
I was hoping to be joined by trumpet player Forbes Graham but alas he is in Europe and will not be attending. Bicycle wheels will be summoned for sound with or without aid from another sounder. (Instead I performed with an amended version of a group I am part of, Grau Garten. Missing was Greg Kowalski, participating were Steve Norton, Marc Bisson, Dave Bacon, and Dei Xrist)
Another Boston trumpeter and returning artist Eric Dahlman has let me know he will be able to participate and will be accompanied by friend Erik Nugent.
And the latest addition is William Jasper and friend Myles. William and Myles are 14. William and his siblings have performed around Portsmouth for years and it will be an honor to include them at this 10th Sun Worship event.
BUOY Gallery has been very generous to share their space and host the Sun Worship Series for the past two years. Please come, bring some beverages, a donation, something to share, an open mind and ears. This event is sure to be a memorable and moving experience.
Sun Worship Series:::
BUOY Gallery:::
For this particular Sun Worship event I have imposed a restriction on the performers to present work without the aid of electricity. This is not only a way to celebrate those artists who already have been able to present works unaided by electric current, but also challenge those of us that have thus far relied on it.
Two such artists are pioneers of the experimental music field from New York, Tom Hamilton and Al Margolis. Long time friends Tom and Al have performed all over the world together. This will be a very special one of a kind installation by these two who have been developing their set specially for this acoustic version of Sun Worship.
Tom Hamilton:::
Al Margolis:::
Horn blower, percussion percussor and visual artist Steve Norton will be bringing his group Kilter to BUOY. Steve has been playing free improvised music and other means of audio expression for decades. He is an expert in knowing when, what, and just how much.
A Boston group that celebrates their non electric eccentric with every performance is Skinny Vinny. I'm going to take a guess that this will be a 4th participation for The Skin Vins at Sun Worship. Their sound has momentum!
Skinny Vinny:::
I was hoping to be joined by trumpet player Forbes Graham but alas he is in Europe and will not be attending. Bicycle wheels will be summoned for sound with or without aid from another sounder. (Instead I performed with an amended version of a group I am part of, Grau Garten. Missing was Greg Kowalski, participating were Steve Norton, Marc Bisson, Dave Bacon, and Dei Xrist)
Another Boston trumpeter and returning artist Eric Dahlman has let me know he will be able to participate and will be accompanied by friend Erik Nugent.
And the latest addition is William Jasper and friend Myles. William and Myles are 14. William and his siblings have performed around Portsmouth for years and it will be an honor to include them at this 10th Sun Worship event.
BUOY Gallery has been very generous to share their space and host the Sun Worship Series for the past two years. Please come, bring some beverages, a donation, something to share, an open mind and ears. This event is sure to be a memorable and moving experience.
Upcomming Offset Needle Radius Stuff...
Upcoming events of bicycle wheel and whatever elseness coming down the pike around New England. Next up will be
FRANTASIA FEST 8 up in Livermore Falls. Yes, it's time for another three day bonanza/residency/thingy up in sleepy town Livermore Falls, Maine, hosted by the generous people Fran and Kathleen Szostek. Fran is absolutely tireless in assembling these three day events, a process that takes a year of work and much sacrifice to put together. This year brings the added feature of a partnership with the music department at UMaine Farmington. The first night of Frantasia will take place at a performance space on the University campus while Friday and Saturday nights will continue the tradition of taking place in Livermore Falls' Treat Memorial Library building, right on the main drag.
Offset Needle Radius will be the second set Friday evening, just after the Skinny Vinny thingy.
NEXT appearance will be as part of the Grau Garten trio at 119 Gallery in Lowell, Mass. Grau Garten has performed in a few different mutations and in it's full capacity consists of Steve Norton on sax, horns, and various other wind thingies and percussive stuff, Marc Bisson on guitar slinky, and other things, Greg Kowalski performing improvised projected visuals and myself on the bicycle wheels and perhaps a few other elements.
The following night will bring the 10th edition of Sun Worship at BUOY Gallery, Kittery. This is a special ALL ACOUSTIC edition which will challenge those of us who regularly rely on amplification for our performances while coming naturally to those whose sound sources are acoustically amplified.
Please come out to experience some of these amazing performances. There is always something for everyone and a chance to witness some out of the ordinary creative expression.
FRANTASIA FEST 8 up in Livermore Falls. Yes, it's time for another three day bonanza/residency/thingy up in sleepy town Livermore Falls, Maine, hosted by the generous people Fran and Kathleen Szostek. Fran is absolutely tireless in assembling these three day events, a process that takes a year of work and much sacrifice to put together. This year brings the added feature of a partnership with the music department at UMaine Farmington. The first night of Frantasia will take place at a performance space on the University campus while Friday and Saturday nights will continue the tradition of taking place in Livermore Falls' Treat Memorial Library building, right on the main drag.
Offset Needle Radius will be the second set Friday evening, just after the Skinny Vinny thingy.
NEXT appearance will be as part of the Grau Garten trio at 119 Gallery in Lowell, Mass. Grau Garten has performed in a few different mutations and in it's full capacity consists of Steve Norton on sax, horns, and various other wind thingies and percussive stuff, Marc Bisson on guitar slinky, and other things, Greg Kowalski performing improvised projected visuals and myself on the bicycle wheels and perhaps a few other elements.
The following night will bring the 10th edition of Sun Worship at BUOY Gallery, Kittery. This is a special ALL ACOUSTIC edition which will challenge those of us who regularly rely on amplification for our performances while coming naturally to those whose sound sources are acoustically amplified.
Please come out to experience some of these amazing performances. There is always something for everyone and a chance to witness some out of the ordinary creative expression.
Friday may 13::: YDLMIER Tape Releaes Show, BOSTON
In February I recorded over 2 hours of material to be released on the exclusive YDLMIER cassette label. The result is the 47 minute cassette entitled "Spoke Tension". Friday May 13 will be the release show, hosted by YDLMIER at the Flandrew Floft in Boston. Greg Kowalski will be performing free improvised projections with me. Other cassettes being released and performances by:
Moon Climb The Wall
Ghost In Salad
After May 13 I will have a handful of cassettes for sale for $6 in person, $7 in the mail.
UPDATE::: Here is video from the performance recorded by Greg Kowalski:::
Moon Climb The Wall
Ghost In Salad
After May 13 I will have a handful of cassettes for sale for $6 in person, $7 in the mail.
UPDATE::: Here is video from the performance recorded by Greg Kowalski:::
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